2nd July, 2022
Facing issues in your TV due to faulty cables?
Facing issues in your TV due to faulty cables
Keeping your antenna in good condition is very important. Improper connection or damaged hardware can prevent it from performing appropriately. You might not realize it, but faulty cables also cause TV reception issues.
Just recently, we got a call from a customer needing a TV antenna in Craigieburn. He wanted to fix the cabling of his antenna. He said he had just bought his TV antenna so he was sure it wasn’t a problem. We had Brett, one of our TV antenna experts in Craigieburn, visit the customer and inspect the cable connection of the TV. When inspected, Brett found that the cables were broken because rats had gnawed on them.
Brett installed a new cable and set it up with the customer’s TV antenna. Brett also ensured that it was routed properly to solve the TV reception issue that had been going on for weeks. After testing the TV images, it was seen that the problem was solved. The customer was also able to get FTA channels on his TV. Since the customer was pleased with Brett and Mr. Antenna, for a job well done.
Do you suspect you have faulty cables, too? Call us today for an inspection! Dial 131149 today!