21st September, 2021
Sturdy Antenna Mount For High Wind Areas
Antennas are placed on mounts to not only give it a place but also sturdiness. A sturdy antenna mount is required often based on the location of the home. Windy or other adverse conditions require extra strength so that the antenna doesn’t fall off.
The area in Wingello is usually windy, which could cause the free-to-air signal to be interrupted from time to time. One of our home service heroes in Wingello, Anthony, got called in for an antenna installation. He used a sturdy tin mount to secure the tv antenna in place that can withstand strong winds.
Anthony installed a quality two-way splitter to connect two existing points inside the house as requested by the customer. He is confident enough that the job was done perfectly that the customer was offered a lifetime warranty.
The strong tripod style tin roof mount will make sure the TV antenna is secure for many years to come. The customer seemed extremely pleased with the work and kept thanking us for a job done quickly. We specialise in doing work efficiently, as well as, making it stress-free for you.
If you live in the same windy area and require a sturdy antenna mount, contact us now! You can also get a FREE quote from us today!